Prompted by exercise 2.3 in Purely Functional Data Structures, by Chris Okasaki.
type Tree<'a> = Empty | Elem of 'a Tree * 'a * 'a Tree let empty = Empty
let rec insert x t = match t with | Empty -> Elem(empty,x,empty) | Elem (left,e,right) when x < e -> Elem (insert x left,e,right) | Elem (left,e,right) when x > e -> Elem (left,e, insert x right) | Elem _ –> t
Tail Recursive
let insert' x t = let rec cont x t k = match t with | Empty -> k (Elem(empty,x,empty)) | Elem (left,e,right) when x < e -> cont x left (fun t' -> k <| Elem (t',e,right)) | Elem (left,e,right) when x > e -> cont x right (fun t' -> k <| Elem (left,e,t')) | Elem _ -> k t cont x t id
Using a continuation monad
type Cont<'a,'r> = ('a -> 'r) -> 'r type ContBuilder() = member x.Return (a):Cont<'a,'r> = fun k -> k a member x.Bind (c:Cont<'a,'r>, f:'a -> Cont<'b,_>) = (fun k -> c (fun a -> f a k)) member this.Delay(f) = f() let cont = ContBuilder()
let insertM x t = let rec insertRecM x t = match t with | Empty -> cont { return Elem(empty,x,empty) } | Elem (left,e,right) when x < e -> cont { let! t' = insertRecM x left return Elem(t',e,right) } | Elem (left,e,right) when x > e -> cont { let! t' = insertRecM x right return Elem(left,e,t') } | Elem _ -> cont { return t } insertRecM x t id
Using call with current continuation
let callCC (f:('a -> Cont<'b,'r>) -> Cont<'a,'r>) : Cont<'a,'r> = fun k -> f (fun a _ -> k a) k
let insertCallCC x t = callCC (fun alreadyExists -> let rec insertRecCallCC x t = match t with | Empty -> cont { return Elem(empty,x,empty) } | Elem (left,e,right) when x < e -> cont { let! t' = insertRecCallCC x left return Elem(t',e,right) } | Elem (left,e,right) when x > e -> cont { let! t' = insertRecCallCC x right return Elem(left,e,t') } | Elem _ -> alreadyExists t insertRecCallCC x t ) id
Please note that the complexity of the last implementation is not obfuscation – it avoids recreating nodes on the path to an already existing element (exercise 2.3 actually asks to do it using exceptions, which works just as well).
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ReplyDeleteNote that exceptions are 600× slower in F# than OCaml so you probably want to avoid them if you want vaguely decent performance.
ReplyDeleteYes, I realize that the OCaml practice of using exceptions for control flow is strongly discouraged in .NET for that reason (although some people will argue it's for "conceptual" reasons). I'm going to try running a few benchmarks with this code later on.
Thiss is a great blog