Because of a recent question on HubFS, I made my future plans for FsCheck public. I'm re-iterating them here:
- smaller bug fixes, some cleaning (mostly done)
- adding FsCheck.fsi module declaration & comments
- Feature: derive generators from types of arguments (mostly done)
- Feature: ability to group properties in classes, and check the class with one command (mostly done)
- Investigate using FsCheck with unit testing frameworks like MbUnit & co, or generally how to use it in practice (currently active)
- putting the project on codeplex + clarifying license . I'm checking compatibility with the QuickCheck license, but I'm aiming for a permissive license, like the new BSD license.
I intend to finalize this before the end of the year.
Finally, you can help by answering the following question. How are you using FsCheck? Do you have a separate console app that you run that contains your properties, or do you use F# interactive with the properties inline, or something else?